

Friday, January 23, 2015

32 and 33 Weeks

How far along: 32 and 33 Weeks.

How big is baby: Somewhere in the 4 lbsish region
Total weight gain: …………….about 30 lbs
Sleep: Per usual, awful. Baby “V” wakes up and moves around, I have to pee about every hour, have to re-position myself every 20 minutes, legs/hips hurt all night, wake up feeling like crap.  
Best moment of the week: I had a four day weekend last week and it was really really nice to just spend it with my family. Ezra and I made homemade dog treats for our 3 dachshunds, the dogs seem to love them, so I suppose we didn't do too bad. On Monday I apparently got the nesting bug and decided to reorganize my whole house (the areas that you haven’t touched since maybe you moved in orrrrr last spring….). I way over did it and by about mid-day I noticed that I had dropped a LOT since that morning. Woops. Oh well, let’s get this gravy train moving!

I dropped....just a little haha.

Food Cravings:  I’m back to normal mostly!!!!! Thank you JESUS!!! I’ve been doing 1-2 Isa shakes a day, some Want More Energy to get me those electrolytes and help keep me hydrated. I’m returning to no coffee, and eat a lot of dark leafy greens. I DID, however, give in and have the strongest craving for a blueberry muffin the other day….. No Ragrets, not even one….  
Food Aversions: N/A
Symptoms: Back pain, penguin walking, no energy, grumpasaurus rex, getting annoyed in 2.5 seconds, getting a little anxious, tonnnnnnns of Braxton Hicks contractions……
Mood: I’m a grump. I’m a happy grump, but I’m a grump. I know that’s an oxymoron.
Movement: WELL, I am officially her personal toy. She moves all the time and oh man does it hurt. If you are standing near me you’ll hear random OW, owwwwwww, move move move move move please!!!! Watching it is even creepier. Ryan has started taking pity on me now every time I say ow and he looks at my stomach. Only 35 more days….I can do this.    
What I’m looking forward to: Well today is my 1st born child’s 8th birthday! I have no clue where the time has flown. I recently watched her birth video and it just let the waterworks out. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be her mother. I can truly say, I have never loved anything the way that I love my children and she was the first taste I got of how big your heart can really get. Isabella has the biggest loving heart to all humans and animals alike. She can’t stand seeing anyone in pain (movies or real life), and has a very black and white view on life. She loves to read, has the Rosario sarcasm down pat, and comprehends things the average 8 year old doesn't usually. I can’t wait to see how much her little sister will be like her and to watch her be the most tender, loving big sister to “V”.

My baby shower is next weekend, and I can’t wait for it. I love any excuse to get people together and have a good time.
My last day of work is Feb. 20th!!!! I am excited to get as much rest/sleep as possible before I am a zombie.

35 more days until Baby “V” Lundberg is here!!!!!  (or sooner ;) )

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at 'penguin walking' :)
    Your belly is so cute! You look great.

    Happy Birthday to Isabella!
